Small Business

Does Your Dust Control Misting Unit Keep Costs in Line?

Choosing efficient dust suppression misting units is a crucial part of implementing a comprehensive system that’s suitable for your worksite. That’s why it’s crucial to get effective dust control misting systems like those from BossTek for your worksite. These units work by suppressing dust without wetting materials, and equipment. However, misting systems are built differently, which means operational, and maintenance costs vary. That brings us to the question; does your misting system suppress dust effectively and operate economically? This article explores factors influencing your system’s maintenance and operational costs.

The size range of industrial dust particles in your facility

Your misting cannon should produce water droplets that are fine enough to effectively drop dust to the ground. The slipstream effect will occur If the dust particles and water droplets aren’t similar in size, making dust suppression unnecessarily costly. When droplets and particles vary widely in size, the mist doesn’t absorb the dust. Instead, the dust follows the airstream around water droplets and continues to disperse into the atmosphere. When this happens, you incur water costs while the dust particles continue to float in the air, thus threatening employees’ health. You need a misting unit that produces mist in the size range of the industrial dust in your facility. Most robust systems use atomized mist in the 50 -200micron range to capture airborne dust. This range is perfect for industrial dust suppression as the water droplets avoid the slipstream effect. The size range is also optimum for using water sparingly while capturing more dust to reduce water bills.

The unit’s functionality

The functionality of your misting unit affects the dust control costs in your organization. For example, systems with only manual control increase labor costs as someone has to supervise them when in action. On the other hand, automatic misting cannons don’t need a worker to run them when in action, eliminating labor costs. You can focus on the daily tasks and, at the same time, capture dust on the site. Machines with automatic and manual control options are better because you can choose the functionality that best works for your facility. This in turn helps improve your business productivity.

The nature of your facility

Using misting cannons to control dust in some facilities can result in additional costs through equipment damage or product spoilage. For example, more atmospheric moisture in a warehouse can lead to condensation that may affect your equipment and its performance. This could result in a reduced equipment lifespan that jacks up costs in your facility. Ensure you consider and mitigate indirect costs before using misting cannons. For instance, the food warehouse in the example above could use temporary climate control solutions to rid the atmosphere of excess humidity. The construction site could ensure machines are not exposed to excess atmospheric moisture when using the misting cannons.

Durability and warranty

Misting units vary in durability depending on the technology and material used to build them. Systems with longer lifespans reduce how often you go back to the market to buy a new unit. Additionally, a misting unit with a longer warranty extends coverage against the manufacturer’s defects, so you pay less or nothing for repairs within the warranty period.

Whether your dust control misting cannons keep costs in line depends on several factors, discussed above. As such, implementing a comprehensive dust suppression system helps your construction company realize more profits. What’s more, these control units help increase employee safety and lower your company’s carbon footprint.

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